Hosea 4:6

"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me."

    There is a saying that says that "What you don't know, can't hurt you." I believe this to be absolutely false, especially in the realm of monetary function. So often we overlook things that our intuition tells us to question because subconsciously we've been programmed to believe that things work a certain way and that's just the way it is.  I understand this frustration all too well. Well, I did, until I decided to go on the most unexpected but most valuable journey of my life. My goal was to learn how to be the most effective private banker I could learn how to be. Well, I don't come from money, so how in the hell was I going to become a private banker you ask? The answer is.... I learned the law, along with the history surrounding our monetary policy and why there is a huge wealth gap in this place we call America. When the people that are working hard don't make enough to support a family but the people that are working smart seem to be able to get whatever they want without much of the labor. 

    Having gone down the rabbit hole for what has been well over 8 years how have brought me to an interesting conclusion of our functionally illiterate society. That conclusion is that we have been deceived. You see, law and money go hand in hand. We never needed government to get involved in the monetary control of our assets, if I wanted to give Bill 10 ounces of gold, in exchange for receiving the deed to one of his properties, we drew up a bill of sale, the receipts, the new deed, and that was it! Our government made us an offer that we couldn't refuse in 1913. Just twenty years later they made us a new deal. The only thing about this "new deal" that they left out is how it was supposed to benefit the people of the country. They sold us on Wall Street, showed us some shiny cars, and big houses, then gave us these fancy little cards with numbers on the front and back of it, and told us not to give anyone these numbers. That sounds great and all but EVERYONE asks for these numbers every time I need utilities, a bank account, if I go to the hospital they ask for it, to get credit cards, and best of all, I could get a big house or a fancy car by giving the dealership, or the mortgage broker these numbers. 

By the time the 1920's came around, the great idea of Wall Street's Stock Exchange was looking much much more like a bad investment, one that could end up ruining your life at the roll of the dice! 

    People were pissed off and broke! The government was overstepping their boundaries into the people's private contracts. There seemed to be something sinister going on behind the scenes that the American people just weren't seeing. Not only was there something sinister happening but the people were trusting the government to regulate it and put an end to the nightmare of families losing their savings for a "guaranteed" return on your investment. The only guarantee was that you may not ever see or hear from these people ever again. Then something devastating happened. The Government confiscated all the gold and removed the paper money off of the gold standard, thereby creating a fiat currency which operates very differently than US Constitutional money which was silver and gold during this time period. This HUGE and monumental move removed consideration from EVERY contract that Americans entered into with the United States and the corporations organized under the laws of the United States. Let me be extremely clear about something, I AM NOT Anti-government. I believe that government offers a very structured way of organizing people's common interests and protecting those common interests. I also believe that those of us who chooses to self-govern, which I believe every household and family should, have a more vested interest in protecting our legacies, our assets, and the cultured way of life that we decided works best for us, while remaining in harmony with the law of the land, natural law, God's law. I am anti-corruption. If it's in law, the streets, business, or life in general. 

    I have experienced first hand the inconsistencies of the criminal and civil justices systems, and I have also experienced some pretty amazing remedies within the same system as well. Once I was able to move past the emotional ride of the results from learning the truth, I could see how the movie series "The Matrix" was really trying to tell us something. You know what else is trying to tell us something? The Bible, the Bible is the most important tool you will need to really decipher the hidden in plain sight messages within our legal and financial systems. 

    Knowing the meaning of words, and in what context the word is being used in a specific section of legislation, or financial publications is what is going to take the fear away that usually comes with the unknown. I highly suggest you subscribe to the G Bound Republic TV YouTube channel. Below you'll find the playlist called "What's The Word" where you'll find definitions to key financial and legal terms that will put you way ahead of the curve when it comes to entering contracts, and then negotiating terms and conditions of these contracts.

    In my book "A Cure For An Unknown Illness:, I dive directly into the uncomfortable truths about our American History, the history of the operation of the banking systems, and how they have a big hand in how our law systems operate. I also go into the historical legislation that created the IRS, and key functions of trust law intertwined with International Private Commercial Law.  It exposes the loopholes, and "glitches" in the Matrix. It offers people a way of taking action in ways that we never knew existed for our greater good. The illness that stress, and anxiety causes seems to get overlooked because of our ability to function in the chaos of dysfunction. We allow fear to keep us from taking chances that can really change our lives once we learn to apply knowledge to make room for wisdom to be born. All of these things build up into hypertension pockets of pain and discomfort in our bodies, and over time the effects of this unknown illness takes it's toll on our health. 
The "illness" could very well be called ignorance, because you don't know, what you don't know. The "illness" could also be called fear, because once you know, what are you going to do about it? 

    Regardless of the path you choose, you will always have challenges along the way. I believe that financial challenges that are addressed early in life leads to the longevity of lifespan. Money is still the most important staple in living a life free from that the pains that come with not having it. This work is a testimony of the sacrifices I've made over the years, all the hard times I've faced with money, and a lot of success that has also come with applying what I've learned. Being broke is definitely a mindset. The money is already printed. We just have to create its arrival to our hands. The smarter you can achieve this the better. 

There are 5 jewels I suggest every man and woman know about when it comes to the financial system, and the law systems that follow it. Take these study materials very seriously! Yes, I am wanting you to invest in yourself by getting my book, however, there are prerequisites that you should be familiar with first. The following weapons against ignorance are a must have for this journey into the Matrix. 

    When the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 first came into play, the nation was experiencing a central banking system that many wars had been fought to avoid. People did not have confidence in the banking system and many mobs of people routinely withdrew all of their money out of their local banks, which directly affected the banks ability to take those funds and use it in their fractional reserve, credit expansion system, which threw off all the numbers on Wall Street and in the foreign currency exchange markets. The American people did not understand the way fiat commercial paper functioned, and what really constituted "value". What was considered a liability to the American people was considered an asset to the banks, and the people were beginning to sense a swindle of some sort. So with all of the bank runs happening across the nation, the government passive aggressively made the citizens of the United States, enemies of their own State. This crucial piece of legislation was, and still is overlooked, as it is why our financial assets don't have to be disclosed to us by the trustee corporations and financial institutions that we pledge them to. You want your assets you gotta speak up! Before you speak up you MUST know who you are, and what your relation REALLY is to the United States. Click here >> Trading With The Enemy Act 1917 for a downloadable pdf of the legislation.

    There have been a bunch of distractions and dust storms that have clouded the vision of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. The complete overhaul of financial policy has not been the same since in America. With all of the changes that happened in that time period we seen many men going to war with their families back home praying for their safety and keeping faith in the government's decision of going to war for the purpose that they seen fit. Noone was focused on how this act would change the American economy forever, and not necessarily for the better. Promises after promises failed, and eventually the people were divided about who to blame for such atrocities. I have mixed outlooks on the Federal Reserve Act, however if you are to EVER understand how the financial system operates, I think I'd want to know directly from the horses mouth and once I read this piece of legislation most of the issues I had begun to dissolve. This is a very important study to get to know! Especially Section 16 Part 1 and Part 2. Click here >> The Federal Reserve Act 1913 for a downloadable pdf of the legislation. 

    This study is one that I've actually read about 10 times while taking extensive notes. This publication by Byron Beers is definitely a prerequisite study to have before you just get out here and start adulting. This historical jewel goes into the history of banking, the church's influence on commerce, and the creation of the Uniform Commercial Code, which is the private international law system that we are under in America, and every other country around the world. It is the very reason there is a saying that says "All roads lead to Rome". In this publication you will learn the effects of acquiring a security interest that attaches to tangible and intangible assets. I highly recommend you read this and then let's have a conversation about how to protect your assets! Click here >> Introduction to Law Merchant for a downloadable pdf of this great work and check out the many more that the author has in his collection of literary work.

Related Video: Jordan Maxwell Explains Law Merchant

    Well if you've made it this far then I think you're on to something! Are you aware that we're under an ancient system of pledging? What exactly are we pledging? Who or what are we pledging to? How does that affect me in my contracting abilities? Remember earlier when I told you that the money had been removed from the gold standard? Well, once that happened it triggered an operation of law we call the Trust Doctrine. The Trust Doctrine comes into play when valuable consideration has not been given to meet the demands of being a conscionable and valid contract. The donor's assets are being held in trust until he or she comes to claim those assets. There's only one problem. He or she may not know what the assets are, or he or she may not know what a donor is, or what the donor pledged. I believe you may want to read this. What you know to be securities might just blow your mind! Click here >> The Securities Act of 1933
for a downloadable pdf. 

    This is another jewel when it comes to putting everything together. Lee Brobst published this work over 20 years ago now and he is right on the money, no pun intended, with this educational gem. It sheds light on how the money system directly affected the law, which then affected you, and THIS is the "Unknown Illness". Noone has a clue what has happened, when it happened and what to do about it so things just continue on while people lose hope of fruitful future while they're divided amongst their neighbors for political differences, gender discrimination, cultural and race differences, etc,,. After you read this a good 5 to 10 times the fear turns into courage! The courage to take action is the most important piece of this journey. It's all about your mindset. So what you feed you mind is what will manifest through your actions! Definitely study this and let's take our knowledge to greater heights! Click here >> The Law, The Money, and Your Choice for a downloadable pdf of this dope piece of work! 

Related Video - The Law, The Money, and Your Choice
Give this channel a follow while you're there!

    Once you've done your due diligence, and homework you should contact me to request your physical or digital copy of my book "A Cure For An Unknown Illness" via email and leave a comment for me on the blog! This is the best $100 you'll invest with guaranteed returns to continue to come as you learn. Share this out to anyone that you know that may find REAL financial literacy valuable. Follow the blog, and Subscribe to the G BOUND REPUBLIC TV YouTube channel and stay tuned. Be The Best!!!

written by Lo Lo Musacari
For G Bound Republic - Private Trust Organization



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