Add G Boundless To Your Music Playlists



If you haven't already, you should take a few moments out of your day to add G Boundless to your music playlists, regardless if you're listening on Apple Music or Spotify along with an array of other digital music listening platforms. The versatility of this artist is insane and I guarantee that you will find your next favorite song from this artist. 

From song titles like "Pretty Lady", "Reloaded", "It Aint Over Til I Win", and "Kobe Fade Away", you'll definitely feel your energy vibrations rise! He recently released part 4 in his Boundless series titled "Boundless IV: R.O.M.E. (Reflections Of My Environment)". He hasn't ever been a mainstream driven artist as he feels that the underground scene is more his home. He has taken several years away from music to explore other areas of business where he has increased the value of content and information from G Bound Republic. This time away has included a book and some alternate ways of building community to connect with people who are searching for truth through all the propaganda and lies that have infested our world. 

If you have Apple Music go here and follow G Boundless, and if you are a Spotify listener go here, follow G Boundless, and add your favorite songs to your playlists. You can also to to G Bound Republic to purchase your favorite tracks, or albums from G Boundless! Stay tuned as he gets back up to speed with his music career and delivers more great music to all parts of the world!

Our worlds have forever been changed and the way we express ourselves through music may never be the same but one thing you can count on for certain is that G Boundless will continue to find a way to create and deliver the unique underground G Bound sound! 

written by Angelo Taylor


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